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Health Tips

The Health Tips from our professionals at Clinique Médicale Cadillac are valuable pieces of information to guide you towards optimal well-being. Our experts share their expertise, provide practical advice, and science-based recommendations to empower you to proactively and informedly take charge of your health

1 – Limiting the Transmission of Infectious Respiratory Diseases

Viruses and bacteria responsible for respiratory infections circulate extensively.

2 – Body Weight

Body weight is a health risk factor just like smoking, sedentary behavior, physical inactivity, or poor diet. Regardless of your body weight, adopting a physically active lifestyle and a healthy diet brings benefits to your health and well-being.

3 – Getting Back in Shape

For someone looking to get back in shape, it’s essential to start gradually and consistently. Set realistic goals, incorporate exercise into your daily routine, and prioritize a balanced diet. Consult a healthcare professional or a fitness coach for a plan tailored to your individual needs, and remember to stay motivated by celebrating your small victories.

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